In Soul Alignment: An Anthology to Support Your Purpose

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In Soul Alignment: An Anthology to Support Your Purpose
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This quote from one of Susan Axelrod's clients says everything about her work and writing:

"Susan, I have to admit, I really never knew what you meant by 'connection to self-energy' or by 'being in Soul alignment' until I worked with you as my coach. Now that I've worked with you, I don't know how I managed before, being so disconnected from my feelings, my dreams, my passions. Oh, and one more thing, one of the most important things I've learned from you is to go 'in' to find what I want and need to make me feel happy, NOT to go 'out' to anyone else, either blaming or waiting for them to make me happy. As you say, "There's no THERE there, it's all right here."

The articles in this book and the writing space that go along with them will support your Soul Alignment, living comfortably in your skin, and happily in your mind. This book makes a perfect gift for your Soul Sisters! 100% of the proceeds of this book supports the organization co-founded by the author, Jewish Girls Unite, found here: