Utilizing the language of prayer to connect minds, hearts and souls for joyful and harmonious living.

Utilizing the language of prayer to connect minds, hearts and souls for joyful and harmonious living.

The GROW Prayer System™ is a method based on the four main steps of prayer to inspire meaningful connections with one’s G-dly core, Creator, and community to nurture spiritual and emotional growth.  

One can use the GROW Method to generate love and connection by practically applying the four, core steps of Tefillah, or prayer, found in the Siddur, or prayerbook. The literal meaning of Siddur in Hebrew is “order.” Our Sages composed the text of prayer in a precise order of steps as a sort of G.P.S. directing us to our destination: a deep connection with G-d, which is the true meaning of “Tefillah.” 

The acronym GROW stands for the following steps of Tefillah: 

Corresponding to Birchos Hashachar, the Morning Blessings

This focuses on the PERSON and acknowledges our dependence on Hashem for our existence. While we tend to worry, run and react, instead we first express gratitude to G-d for all of our blessings, starting with the soul G-d restores to us daily.

I am grateful for my…

Corresponding to Pesukei Dezimra, the Verses of Praise 

We recognize G-d through His providence, creations and miracles in our world, or what we admire in others, and describe the wonder in vivid detail.  Focus on the here and now — even the ‘little things’: A soothing cup of tea, sunshine streaming through the window, the considerate gesture of a friend. The antidote to anxious overstimulation is training our brains to notice everything that’s going right.

I recognize the good in Hashem’s wonderous world…

Corresponding to Shema, affirming G-d’s Oneness

We identify our goal or mission to reveal the Oneness of G-d in ourselves, the world and with others. In partnership with G-d, we take responsibility to own our steps towards success and embrace our G-d given gifts and experiences to help us. 

I say Shema and pledge to reveal Oneness by…
I create Oneness where there is conflict by…

Corresponding to the Shemoneh Esrei – Amidah

While expressing our desires can feel intimidating, we now articulate our Wishes to G-d, describing what we want that only He can provide, in order to fulfill our mission that only we can do. We ask to achieve our goals and enjoy the fruits of our efforts. 

My wish is…

Start GROWing!

Get your own GROW Prayer Planner to start implementing the GROW Method in your life.


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When I pray, sometimes I feel disconnected. Through the GROW Circle and Prayer Planner, prayer has meaning and is relevant to my life.
Micki Massry, JGU partner
GROW is brilliant. What a way to anchor yourself and your thoughts at each segment of prayer!
Chavi Rapoport, educator